
Minimal Docker image containing a i386 version of ido5.3 recomp

Primary LanguageDockerfile

ido5.3 i386 alpine poc

Minimal Docker image containing a i386 version of ido5.3 recomp.

/compiler/ido5.3/cc: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-musl-i386.so.1, with debug_info, not stripped

Build image:

docker build . \
    -t ido:5.3-alpine

Check image size:

$ docker image ls | head -2
# REPOSITORY    TAG          IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
# ido           5.3-alpine   fe84a049cab5   2 seconds ago   18.9MB

Run the example:

docker run \
    --platform linux/386 \
    --rm \

Run an interactive shell:

docker run \
    --platform linux/386 \
    -ti \
    --rm \
    ido:5.3-alpine sh