- 0
Demo Website seems to be down
#105 opened by Rabenherz112 - 1
Chinese word split Error
#104 opened by mxazz123 - 1
I, librarian is unable to backup library
#103 opened by mnokturnal - 0
Library display configuration
#102 opened by schunsky - 4
- 2
Set local directory for library
#97 opened by anthonyattacks - 1
- 0
- 1
PHP LDAP extension is not installed
#96 opened by StefanvKaene - 1
Import folder not working
#95 opened by piersond - 1
increasing max upload size
#94 opened by pedroponte - 1
- 1
E_WARNING: Undefined array key "tags"
#92 opened by biziosan - 1
Unified Installation via Docker
#93 opened by rwa96 - 1
#90 opened by psmoros - 0
Adding mergeable author and journal lists
#89 opened by sklarmann - 6
- 3
- 2
Manual ulpoad of non-PDF files saves the original file to supplements with 0 length
#88 opened by mkucej - 1
Question: Configuration of LDAP server
#85 opened by cristobaltapia - 0
- 2
In bibtex export, add an option to include i-librarian tags in the bibtex "keywords" field
#83 opened by gapost - 1
- 1
Docker in plans
#80 opened by Code-Slave - 2
Is there a documentation?
#78 opened by Babalion - 1
Hope to have a one-shot install script
#81 opened by matchyc - 2
Feedback on user experience with new UI
#70 opened by axel-loewe - 1
Multithread pdftohtml
#67 opened by Niemand112233 - 1
- 5
Errors with PHP 8.1
#68 opened by luis-j - 1
Search and punctuation marks
#76 opened by gapost - 1
Update citation key (feature request)
#72 opened by luis-j - 1
- 1
DOI import not including abstract
#75 opened by letshin - 0
Add automatic email sending
#79 opened by Babalion - 0
Adding an introductory tutorial
#77 opened by Babalion - 4
Text is blurry in i-librarian pdf viewer when document is opened with chromium-based browser
#73 opened by antibunching - 0
Add API with Token for queries
#69 opened by Babalion - 1
PHP warnings related to "JIT memory"
#65 opened by gapost - 0
- 1
Backup i-librarian data and config
#64 opened by michaelsage - 3
How do you remove a user?
#61 opened by nicolasshu - 1
Can't use PDF Viewer
#60 opened by nicolasshu - 0
Integration with GROBID
#59 opened by drfraser - 1
Docker image for easier deployment
#62 opened by obvionaoe - 1
How to update?
#57 opened by Niemand112233 - 3
Error 500 when exporting
#58 opened by luisjure - 5
PDF viewer and PHP8
#56 opened by luis-j - 1
Access exports without login or with a token
#55 opened by arunoruto - 3
Setup behind reverse proxy with https redirect
#54 opened by arunoruto