
BitmapData for EaselJS adds AS3 like BitmapData to EaselJS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

BitmapData for EaselJS

BitmapData for EaselJS adds AS3 like BitmapData to EaselJS.


// create BitmapData by HTMLImageElement
_bmd01 = new createjs.BitmapData(HTMLImageElement);
_bitmap01 = new createjs.Bitmap(_bmd01.canvas);
var width = 200;
var height = 200;
var fillColor = 0x80FF0000;
// create BitmapData by fill
_bmd02 = new createjs.BitmapData(null, width, height, fillColor);
_bitmap02 = new createjs.Bitmap(_bmd02.canvas);


_shape = new createjs.Shape();
var g = _shape.graphics;
g.f("rgba(0, 0, 255, 1)").dp(0, 0, 100, 5, 0.6, -90).ef();
_shape.cache(-100, -100, 200, 200);
// get BitmapData from cached DisplayObject
_bmd01 = createjs.BitmapData.getBitmapData(_shape);
var colorTransform = new createjs.ColorTransform(1, 1, 0, 1, 255);
var rect = new createjs.Rectangle(0, 0, _bmd01.width >> 1, _bmd01.height);
_bmd01.colorTransform(rect, colorTransform);


  • canvas
  • context
  • name
  • width [read only]
  • height [read only]
  • rect [read only]


  • applyFilter
  • clearRect
  • clone
  • colorTransform
  • compare
  • copyChannel
  • copyPixels
  • dispose
  • draw
  • drawImage
  • expand
  • fillRect
  • floodFill
  • getBitmapData [static]
  • getColorBoundsRect
  • getPixel
  • getPixel32
  • getPixels
  • histogram
  • hitTest
  • merge
  • noise
  • paletteMap
  • perlinNoise
  • pixelDissolve
  • scroll
  • setPixel
  • setPixel32
  • setPixels
  • threshold
  • toString
  • updateContext
  • updateImageData


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