
An interest group gathered around improving the Islandora user experience.


An interest group gathered around improving the Islandora user experience.


  • Rosie Le Faive (University of Prince Edward Island)
  • Co-conveners welcome!

Terms of Reference

  • The name of this Islandora Interest Group is the Islandora UI Interest Group (IUIIG)
  • The purpose of the Islandora UI Interest Group is to improve the user experience or repository users and managers.
  • Specific goals, activities, and outcomes may include:
    • Identifying common frustrations or hurdles to ease of use
    • Proposing solutions as bug/documentation/feature tickets on Jira
    • Organizing codesprints to implement these improvements across the Islandora codebase
    • Improving and documenting the accessibility of Islandora out of the box
  • The interest group will meet once a month virtually (eg. via Skype)
  • The conveners will produce a report to be submitted to the Islandora Roadmap Committee following the IUIIG's meetings.


  • Rosie Le Faive (UPEI)
  • Mike Nason (UNB)
  • Kevin Clair
  • Melissa Anez (Islandora Foundation)
  • Mark Baggett (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
  • Yoo Young Lee (Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis)
  • Gareth Dawson (University of Cape Town Libraries)
  • Theresa Polk (University of Texas at Austin)
  • Jon Whipple (Design Counsel)
  • Tao Zhao (University of Oklahoma)
  • Tommy Keswick (Cherry Hill)
  • Stacy Allison-Cassin (York)
  • John Zhang (University of Oklahoma)
  • David Kemper (McMaster)
  • Paul Cummins (University of Tennessee)
  • Favenzio Calvo (Florida State University)
  • Lingling Jiang (University of Toronto Scarborough)