Simple client-server application prototype. Build with asynchronous messaging, serialized message processing and staged event-driven architecture (SEDA) principles. It combines few technologies I have researched recently, like html5, websockets, Disruptor, and so on. Purpose is to help me remember later what I have learned.
Html Client sends message (JSON) All Clients receive message
| ^
v |
Data transfer (WebSocket) Data transfer
| ^
v |
Server Api layer (Jetty) Server Api layer
| ^
v |
Queue in (Disruptor) -> Data storage -> Queue out
- Go to root folder
- type "mvn clean install exec:exec"
- open web browser at localhost:8080
- click "Connect"
- write some values to push fields and click "Send"
- mvn clean site
- open target/site/index.html in browser
- Check Project Reports from bottom left link div.
- Client-server architechture, multiple clients and one server, with some simple functionality, like storing key-value pairs.
- Server must handle requests with FIFO principle, request order must not change.
- Clients must get information of changed state on server at the same time.
- Provide believable try for good performance.
WebSockets as protocol between client and server. It makes asyncronous message delivery possible and works with modern browsers, which is nice.
- Alt: HTTP polling with long timeout? Probably not as efficient. Kind of kludge.
- Alt: ZeroMQ? Interesting, but hard to make work in web browsers.
- Alt: RabbitMQ? Hard to make work in web browsers, needs dedicated server app.
- Alt: SPDY? Not enough knowledge to say anything.
JSON as message format between client and server. Works well enough, especially with web browsers.
- Alt: XML? Could work. Bigger msg size than JSON and unwelcome complexity with namespaces etc.
- Alt: Google Protobuf? Interesting, but hard to make work in web browsers.
- Alt: Apache Thrift? Might work, but wants to mess with protocol layer too, documentation lacking.
- Alt: Apache avro? Does anybody use this?
HTML5 and Javascript with some selected libraries. Easy and fast to build PoC.
- Alt: Java Swing or JavaFX Client? Binary blobs are so old school. OTOH, would make other protocols and message formats possible.
JQuery for some random Javascript tasks.
- Alt: AngularJS, ... no need in simple project.
- Alt: Google Dart? Interesting, but not relevant.
Twitter Bootstrap 2 for UI elements
- Alt: Bootstrap 3? Might upgrade to it later
Standalone Java Application with selected libraries
Maven for building the software
- Alt: Ant, Ivy,.. I have no interest in learning to use these
- Alt: Gradle, ... maybe some other day
Guice for wiring different components together.
- Alt: Wire components by hand? Small simple application, could be done, but using DI is more fun.
- Alt: Spring? No need for 90% of its features. DI part not as solid as Guice.
- Alt: CDI? Not really a good solution outside application servers.
Embedded Jetty 9 for WebSocket implementation. Seems to be still somewhat work in progress, with major rewrites even inside version 9.
- Alt: Java EE 7 compatible application server and its WebSocket support via JSR 356? Don't want to go that way.
- Alt: Spring Boot. Might work, but I wan't select components myself.
Disruptor 3 for implementing SEDA (queues, stages). Background info in article The LMAX Architecture - Martin Fowler
- Alt: Multiple ArrayBlockingQueue objects or other Java List objects with self-managed threads. Disruptor has better feeling.
json-simple for handling json. Seems to work. JSON Java side has multiple different solutions, hard to know which would be right.
- Alt: jackson seems to be one stop solution for all your needs. goes to "is this all required?" category
- Alt: gson might be interesting
- Alt: minimal-json seems nice, but no maven artifact to be found.
Javolution for storing queue data in preallocated ByteBuffers to minimize GC. Idea is from this ticketing demo
- Alt: Store data outside heap blog
Logback and SLF4j for logging purposes. Seems to be the right way ATM.
- Alt: Log4j 2.x, new interesting stuff, but too little too late? But! "Asynchronous Loggers based on the LMAX Disruptor library". :)