The proxy server, which written in go. (lax settings, work powerful.)
- core: core proxy only pluggable server. core has lifesycle for plugin.
- plugins: plugin which add useful function to core. such as config save location, cache, waf, sandbox execution code env or some else. may will be written in golang.
- request lifecycle: able to add additional process for each request timing.
- on proxy viewer request from viewer
- on proxy request to origin
- on proxy received request from origin
- on proxy response request to viewer
- core server lifecycle:
- on launch: eg, load settings infomation as configured.
- edge: edge server, distributed around the world. based on core & some plugin, such as cache
- manage data:
- customers configuration (proxy settings)
- cache entity
- auth info for primary & edge server communication
- manage data:
- controller: manager of edge server. manage data for customer
- manage data:
- customers information
- auth setting
- cash setting etc...
- auth info for primary & edge server communication
- customers configuration
- edge server's working information at that time only (all log information store to another db, like big query)
- cache purge processing status
- edge server deployment processing etc..
- customers information
- manage data:
edge server and primary server communication will implemented by grpc (not yet).
- optimized dns: optimized dns server. this server returns nearest client server ip address
- manage data:
- ip address and location data
- manage data:
- proxy server
- handle request from client & proxy to origin or response request
- operation server
- handle request from service provider(cdn itself or content owner) & purge or update settings
- manage server
- may use k8s for deployment, watch server & container metrics.
- operation worker
- execute heavy operation request, like purge cache
- mongodb
- (want to use) lucet
simple server which management edge server.
this server provide below
- manage customer which use cache proxy.
- manage setting request from customer, cache settings, purge request. And proxy it to edge server.
- manage edge server for update, stop, start or some.
- want to provide like blue green deployment.
- log aggregation hub and store and proxy.
- mongodb
dns server. returns nearlest(by geolocation which infer by ip address) server ip.
- eager cache store will support
- light purge
- add delete flag to server
- execute without worker
- hard purge
- delete entire data
- execute from worker
- expire from each customer cache
- expire from each path (from rule?)
- whitelist ip & blacklist ip
- whitelist header & blacklist header
- user used this proxy cache
- entity exit on primary database
- this provide primary id and current data id correspondence
- create each url or its pattern
- manage hit url to origin url correspondence rule
- like AWS cloudfront's behavior
- manage path pattern & proxy to specific path
- embedded to config document
- belongs to one Config
- manage Cache expire time, CacheKey
- manage expire time via mongodb ttl or use gridfs for support large file.
- ttl → cache size will limit by 16MB of document limitation of mongodb
- gridfs → no cache limit. but ttl cannot work well, so we self implement cache deletion algorithem