
Telegram Bot for OpenAI GPT Models

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Jeepity is a Telegram bot powered by OpenAI GPT large language models.

  • AI chatbot. Interact with GPT 3.5/4 models in a private chat. The bot brings a ChatGPT-like experience to Telegram: it keeps the context of the conversation, displays the responses word-by-word as they are generated, and supports Markdown. messages.
  • Voice message transcription. Forward someone else's voice message to the bot, and it will be transcribed using the OpenAI Whisper model. You can also talk to the chatbot via voice messages: the transcriptions will be sent to the language model.
  • Localisation. Buttons, menus, and system messages are available in English and Russian. The language is selected automatically based on the Telegram interface language.
  • Easy to self-host. The bot compiles into a single binary and is also available as a Docker container. Check out the tutorial on how to get it up and running in minutes on fly.io!

Quick Start


  • Create a file named .env with the configuration (see Configuration)
  • Run docker run --env-file .env ghcr.io/mkuznets/jeepity:latest

Docker Compose

  • Copy the provided compose.yml
  • Customise the environment variables (see Configuration)
    • You can set them in the shell environment, in a .env file, or directly in the compose.yaml. See the documentation for more details.
  • Run docker-compose up

From Source

# Requires Go 1.19+
$ go install github.com/mkuznets/jeepity/cmd/jeepity@latest
$ jeepity run --help

Pre-Built Binaries

Coming soon!


Jeepity can be configured using environment variables (recommended), .env file, or CLI arguments. Check jeepity run --help to see the list of available options.

## Required

# OpenAI API key (https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys)
# Telegram bot token (https://core.telegram.org/bots#how-do-i-create-a-bot)
# Local directory used to store the bot's database

## Optional, uncomment if needed.

## Customise the chat completion model (default: gpt-3.5-turbo-0301)

## Customise the audio transcription model (default: whisper-1)

## Customise the password used to encrypt chat messages.
## If not set, the messages will still be encrypted with an empty password.

## Enable receiving updates via webhook
## Internal listen address of the webhook
## Publicly accessible URL of the webhook
## Secret password to verify webhook updates



To avoid abuse and excessive OpenAI API bills, access to the bot is invite-only. Every bot user can run the /invite command to get a shareable access link that looks like this:


Opening the link is equivalent to running the /start <code> command manually (the link may not always work on mobile devices).

When you run Jeepity for the first time, use the URL/code printed in the logs to get the access:

time=... level=DEBUG msg="Starting Telegram bot..."
time=... level=INFO msg="Invite URL: https://t.me/<username>?start=<code>"

Note that it is regenerated every time you restart the app, do not share it publicly!


Use the private chat with the bot to talk to the language model. The bot will keep the context of the conversation until:

  • you run the /reset command to start a new conversation,
  • there are no new messages for 1 hour,
  • or the context exceeds the limit of the language model (you will be prompted to reset the conversation).

Voice Message Transcription

When you forward someone else's voice message to the bot, it will be transcribed using the OpenAI Whisper model. You can also record you own voice message to the bot, in which case the transcription will be part of the chatbot conversation.

Note that forwarding a voice message from the "Saved Messages" chat will count as a newly recorded message, and will trigger the chatbot response.


Some operational details:

  • The Telegram bot uses long-polling, so you do not need to expose it to the internet and set up a webhook.
  • Jeepity emits structured key-value logs to stderr. The is either human-readable logfmt or JSON, depending on whether the shell session is interactive.
  • Jeepity gracefully handles SIGTERM and SIGINT: it stops accepting new requests, waits for the ongoing requests to finish, and only then shuts down. You can force the shutdown by sending one or two extra SIGTERM/SIGINT.
  • The data (users, chat history, etc.) is stored in a local SQLite database at DATA_DIR.
  • The messages are encrypted with AES using the configured password (DATA_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD) and a random per-user salt. When a conversation is reset (either manually or automatically), the messages are deleted.

Deploying to fly.io

I am not affiliated with fly.io in any way, just geniunely excited about how easy it is to deploy Jeepity there.

Fly.io is a Platform as a Service where most of the resources (apps, machines, volumes, etc.) are controlled using a command-line tool (flyctl). However, with their new Web CLI you do not even need to install anything!

Jeepity works perfectly on their smallest instances (shared-cpu-1x 256mb) included in the free allowance (as long as you are eligible for it).

Follow these steps to spin up a new app running Jeepity:

  1. Obtain an OpenAI API key and a Telegram bot token.
  2. Create a fly.io account.
  3. Go to fly.io/terminal and click "Launch Web CLI".
  4. Run the following commands, one by one:
# Download the app template
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mkuznets/jeepity/master/template.fly.toml >fly.toml

# Create a fly app with an auto-generated name
fly launch --generate-name --copy-config --force-machines --no-deploy

# Create a 1GB volume to store the bot's database
fly volumes create --region lhr --size 1 --yes jeepity_data
  1. Configure Jeepity by running fly secrets import. The command should hang waiting for your input. Paste the following text (fill the token values from step 1) and press Ctrl+D:
  1. Run fly deploy to start the deploy.
  2. Go to the "Watch your app" URL. You should see something like this:
[info]{"time":"...","level":"DEBUG","msg":"Starting Telegram bot..."}
[info]{"time":"...","level":"INFO","msg":"Invite URL: https://t.me/<username>?start=<code>"}
[info]{"time":"...","level":"INFO","msg":"(This URL is temporary, DO NOT SHARE IT WITH ANYONE)"}
  1. The bot is up and running! Go to the invite URL to start using the bot!


Jeepity is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.