CodeBot is a chatbot that helps beginners learn how to code. To make the otherwise daunting task of learning how to code for the first time easier, CodeBot incorporates witty replies, GIFs & human-readable errors to create an incredibly fun experience for a complete novice. Currently, it goes through a few elementary exercises in Python (adapted from Codecademy) while answering user questions using basic NLP. The back-end runs on Node.js, MongoDB & while the front-end is written in vanilla HTML, CSS & JavaScript.
- Install Node.js & npm
- Update
using$ npm install npm -g
- Update
- Install MongoDB
- Install RoboMongo (Optional)
Homebrew Commands (for Mac)
$ brew install node # Install Node.js
$ brew install mongodb # Install MongoDB
$ brew cask install robomongo # Install RoboMongo (Optional)
$ brew services start mongodb # Start MongoDB
Running CodeBot
- Clone this repo or download the .zip here.
- Navigate to this repo on your terminal and run
$ npm install
to install all the dependencies. - Start MongoDB using the instructions here.
- Initialize the database using
$ node dbCreator.js
. - Create a directory —
— and an empty file
inside to process the user's submitted Python scripts. - Run CodeBot on
using$ node index.js
$ npm install
$ brew services start mongodb # Start MongoDB (via Homebrew)
$ node dbCreator.js
$ mkdir userScripts && cd userScripts && touch && cd ..
$ node index.js
Source Code
├── modules/
│ ├── codeChecker.js // Checks User Submitted Python Code
│ ├── levenshtein.js // Word Distance Calculator (dependency of codeChecker.js)
│ ├── messageHandler.js // Handles User Messages over Chat
│ └── pythonDict.js // Dictionary of Python Keywords (dependency of codeChecker.js)
├── node_modules/ // Node.js Dependencies (see package.json)
├── public/ // Front-End Files (served at '/')
│ ├── assets/ // Images, GIFs, etc.
│ ├── css/ // CSS Stylesheets
│ │ └── main.css
│ ├── js/ // Client-Side Scripts
│ │ └── main.js
│ └── favicon.ico // Favicon
├── userScripts/ // User Submitted Python Code
│ └──
├── dbCreator.js // Initializes Database
├── index.html // Client-Side Chat Interface
└── index.js // Node.js Entry Point
See contributing guidelines here.
NOTE: Initially built for and during the Facebook Singapore Hackathon 2016.