
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Institute for Behavioral Genetics (IBG) International Statistical Genetics 2021 Workshop

Sequencing and Hail

Date: June 16th, 2021

Video link: via YouTube

This git repo contains workshop materials used during the IBG Workshop in 2021 for Sequencing and Hail held by the Hail team and the Institute for Behavioral Genetics, University of Colorado, Boulder.


 Instructor: Kumar Veerapen, PhD

 Instructor: Tim Poterba


Session A Session B
Dan Goldstein Dan Goldstein
Tim Poterba Tim Poterba
Carolin Diaz Carolin Diaz
Cotton Seed Cotton Seed
Dan Howrigan Kumar Veerapen
John Compitello John Compitello

files that the following Jupyter notebook point to are in the resources folder in this repo

 Slide deck: Materials/2021_sequencingAndHail.pdf

 Additional material: Materials/additionalMaterial/

 Poll Everywhere screenshots: Materials/poll-screenshots/

 Jupyter notebook for Common Variant Analysis: resources/01-Hail-common-variant-analysis.ipynb

 Jupyter notebook for Rare Variant Analysis: resources/02-Hail-rare-variant-analysis.ipynb

 Notebook output in pdf formats: Materials/outputPDF/

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