
Quad-row PMOD with four multiplexed seven-segment LED digits.

Primary LanguageVHDL



This PMOD provides a multiplexed four-digit 7-segment LED display output to FPGA designs via two double-row PMOD ports (quad-row). The 7-segment display type "common anode" requires to use inverse logic. With inverse logic, setting the output "LOW" lights up the LED segment. Each digit has its own common anode, but the seven LED segments are shared. To display separate numbers on each digit, the program cycles through each anode with the apropriate segments enabled for this digit.



7SEG4 PMOD Schematics

PCB Gerber

7SEG4 PMOD Gerber V1.1

Pin Assignments

IceBreaker v1.0

J1# Label Description PMOD1A
1 A LED Segment A 4
2 B LED Segment B 2
3 C LED Segment C 47
4 D LED Segment D 45
7 E LED Segment E 3
8 F LED Segment F 48
9 G LED Segment G 46
10 DP LED Segment DP 44
J2# Label Description PMOD1B
1 CA1 Common AN Digit1 43
2 CA2 Common AN Digit2 38
3 CA3 Common AN Digit3 34
4 CA4 Common AN Digit4 31
7 - Not connected 42
8 - Not connected 36
9 - Not connected 32
10 CA5 Common AN Colon 28


The connection to Intels DE0-Nano-SoC is made through the pmod2nano adapter.


J1# Label Description GPIO0A GPIO1A
1 E LED Segment E PIN_W12 PIN_AA15
2 F LED Segment F PIN_Y8 PIN_AG26
3 G LED Segment G PIN_W8 PIN_AF23
4 * LED Segment DP PIN_Y5 PIN_AF21
7 A LED Segment A PIN_AF8 PIN_AH27
8 B LED Segment B PIN_AB4 PIN_AH24
9 C LED Segment C PIN_Y4 PIN_AE22
10 D LED Segment D PIN_U11 PIN_AG20
J2# Label Description GPIO0B GPIO1B
1 - Not connected PIN_AF4 PIN_AH23
2 - Not connected PIN_AF5 PIN_AE19
3 - Not connected PIN_T13 PIN_AD19
4 CA5 Common AN DP PIN_AE7 PIN_AE24
7 CA1 Common AN Digit1 PIN_AG6 PIN_AG23
8 CA2 Common AN Digit2 PIN_AE4 PIN_AF18
9 CA3 Common AN Digit3 PIN_T11 PIN_AE20
10 CA4 Common AN Digit4 PIN_AF6 PIN_AD20


7SEG4 PMOD, connected to a Icebreaker v1.0 board


Verilog test program pmod_7seg4_1.v (top-level):

// -------------------------------------------------------
// This program is a decimal counter 0..9999, displayed on
// the 4-digit 7-segment display. Counts in 1Hz intervals.
// 12MHz clock: set breakpoint at 23'd5999999 (icebreaker)
// 50MHz clock: set breakpoint at 25'd24999999 (de0-nano)
// -------------------------------------------------------
module pmod_7seg4_1 (
  input clk,
  output seg_a,
  output seg_b,
  output seg_c,
  output seg_d,
  output seg_e,
  output seg_f,
  output seg_g,
  output seg_dp,
  output ca1,
  output ca2,
  output ca3,
  output ca4

  reg clk_1hz = 1'b0;
  reg [22:0] clk_count = 23'd0;
  reg [3:0] DIGIT;
  reg [7:0] SEG;
  assign {seg_dp, seg_g, seg_f, seg_e, seg_d, seg_c, seg_b, seg_a} = SEG;
  assign {ca1, ca2, ca3, ca4} = DIGIT;
  reg [3:0] units, tens, hundreds, thousands;

  display_7seg display(.CLK (clk), .units (units), .tens (tens), .hundreds (hundreds), .thousands (thousands), .SEG (SEG), .DIGIT (DIGIT));

  always @(posedge clk)
    clk_count   <= clk_count + 1;
    if(clk_count == 23'd5999999)
      clk_count   <= 0;
      clk_1hz <= ~clk_1hz;

  always @(posedge clk_1hz)
    units <= units + 1;
    if (units == 9)
      units <= 0;
      tens <= tens + 1;
      if (tens == 9)
        tens <= 0;
        hundreds <= hundreds + 1;
        if (hundreds == 9)
          hundreds <= 0;
          thousands <= thousands + 1;
          if(thousands == 9)
            thousands <= 0;
endmodule // end top-level module

// -------------------------------------------------------
// module display_7seg converts 4 decimal digits to 7-seg
// -------------------------------------------------------
module display_7seg(
  input CLK,
  input [3:0] units, tens, hundreds, thousands,
  output [7:0] SEG,
  output [3:0] DIGIT

  reg [3:0] digit_data;
  reg [1:0] digit_posn;
  reg [23:0] prescaler;

  encode_7seg encode(.CLK (CLK), .SEG (SEG), .D (digit_data));

  always @(posedge CLK)
    prescaler <= prescaler + 24'd1;
    if (prescaler == 24'd50000)     // set 1kHz multiplex frequency
      prescaler <= 0;               // reset the prescaler to zero
      digit_posn <= digit_posn + 2'd1;
      if (digit_posn == 0)
        digit_data <= units;       // assign digit_data
        DIGIT <= 4'b1110;          // set the 1 digit pin low (enable)
      if (digit_posn == 2'd1)
        digit_data <= tens;        // assign digit_data to show tens
        DIGIT <= 4'b1101;          // set the 2 digit pin low (enable)
      if (digit_posn == 2'd2)
        digit_data <= hundreds;    // assign digit_data to show hundreds
        DIGIT <= 4'b1011;          // set the 3 digit pin low (enable)
      if (digit_posn == 2'd3)
        digit_data <= thousands;   // assign digit_data to show thousands
        DIGIT <= 4'b0111;          // set the 4 digit pin low (enable)
        digit_posn <= 0;           // reset position counter after 4nd digit
// -------------------------------------------------------
// module encode_7seg encodes a bin number as a 7seg digit
// -------------------------------------------------------
module encode_7seg(
  input CLK,
  input [3:0] D,
  output reg [7:0] SEG
  always @(posedge CLK)
        //              PGFEDCBA
        4'd0: SEG <= 8'b11000000;
        4'd1: SEG <= 8'b11111001;
        4'd2: SEG <= 8'b10100100;
        4'd3: SEG <= 8'b10110000;
        4'd4: SEG <= 8'b10011001;
        4'd5: SEG <= 8'b10010010;
        4'd6: SEG <= 8'b10000010;
        4'd7: SEG <= 8'b11111000;
        4'd8: SEG <= 8'b10000000;
        4'd9: SEG <= 8'b10010000;
        default: SEG <= 8'b11111111;


The Verilog example program pmod_7seg4_1.v converted to VHDL as pmod_7seg4_2.vhd:

-- -------------------------------------------------------
-- This program is a decimal counter 0..9999, displayed on
-- the 4-digit 7-segment display. Counts in 1Hz intervals.
-- -------------------------------------------------------
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity pmod_7seg4_2 is
port ( clk: in STD_LOGIC;
     seg_a: out STD_LOGIC := '1';
     seg_b: out STD_LOGIC := '1';
     seg_c: out STD_LOGIC := '1';
     seg_d: out STD_LOGIC := '1';
     seg_e: out STD_LOGIC := '1';
     seg_f: out STD_LOGIC := '1';
     seg_g: out STD_LOGIC := '1';
    seg_dp: out STD_LOGIC := '1';
       ca1: out STD_LOGIC := '1';
       ca2: out STD_LOGIC := '1';
       ca3: out STD_LOGIC := '1';
       ca4: out STD_LOGIC := '1'
end pmod_7seg4_2;

architecture arch of pmod_7seg4_2 is
  signal   clk_1hz: STD_LOGIC;
  signal     DIGIT: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
  signal       SEG: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
  signal unit, tens, hundreds, thousands: INTEGER range 0 to 9;

  -- -------------------------
  -- interface to display_7seg
  -- -------------------------
  component display_7seg is
  port ( CLK: IN  STD_LOGIC;
      unit, tens, hundreds, thousands: IN INTEGER := 0;  --digit values
     DIGIT:     OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);        --output digit number
                 SEG:   OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0) --output segments
  end component;

  -- instantiation and value assignment to display_7seg
  display: display_7seg
  port map( clk, unit, tens, hundreds, thousands, DIGIT, SEG );

  counter_p: process( clk, clk_1hz, unit, tens, hundreds, thousands, DIGIT, SEG )
  variable clk_count: INTEGER := 0;

    if( rising_edge(clk) ) then
    clk_count := clk_count + 1;
      if( clk_count = 24999999 ) then
        clk_count := 0;
        clk_1hz <= NOT clk_1hz;
      end if;
    end if;

    if( rising_edge(clk_1hz) ) then
      unit <= unit + 1;
      if ( unit = 9 ) then
        unit <= 0;
        tens <= tens + 1;
        if ( tens = 9 ) then
          tens <= 0;
          hundreds <= hundreds + 1;
          if ( hundreds = 9 ) then
            hundreds <= 0;
            thousands <= thousands + 1;
            if( thousands = 9 ) then
              thousands <= 0;
            end if;
          end if;
        end if;
      end if;
    end if;
  end process counter_p;

  ca1 <= DIGIT(3);
  ca2 <= DIGIT(2);
  ca3 <= DIGIT(1);
  ca4 <= DIGIT(0);
  seg_a <= SEG(0);
  seg_b <= SEG(1);
  seg_c <= SEG(2);
  seg_d <= SEG(3);
  seg_e <= SEG(4);
  seg_f <= SEG(5);
  seg_g <= SEG(6);
  seg_dp <= SEG(7);
end arch;

-- -------------------------------------------------------
-- entity display_7seg converts 4 decimal digits to 7-seg
-- -------------------------------------------------------
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity display_7seg is
port ( CLK: IN  STD_LOGIC;
      unit: IN INTEGER;
      tens: IN INTEGER;
  hundreds: IN INTEGER;
 thousands: IN INTEGER;
     DIGIT: OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0);  --output digit number
       SEG: OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0)   --output segments
end display_7seg;

architecture arch of display_7seg is
  signal digit_data: INTEGER;
  -- ------------------------
  -- interface to encode_7seg
  -- ------------------------
  component encode_7seg is
  port( D: IN  INTEGER range 0 to 9;           --digit value input
      SEG: OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0)    --output to segments
  end component;

  -- instantiation and value assignment to encode_7seg
  encode: encode_7seg port map( digit_data, SEG );

  display: process( clk )
  variable digit_posn: INTEGER range 0 to 3 := 0;
  variable  prescaler: INTEGER := 0;

  if( rising_edge(clk) ) then
    prescaler := prescaler + 1;
    if( prescaler = 50000 ) then -- 1ms refresh
      prescaler := 0;
      if (digit_posn = 0) then
        digit_data <= unit;      -- assign digit_data
        DIGIT <= "1110";         -- set the 1 digit pin low (enable)
      end if;
      if (digit_posn = 1) then
        digit_data <= tens;      -- assign digit_data to show tens
        DIGIT <= "1101";         -- set the 2 digit pin low (enable)
      end if;
      if (digit_posn = 2) then
        digit_data <= hundreds;  -- assign digit_data to show hundreds
        DIGIT <= "1011";         -- set the 3 digit pin low (enable)
      end if;
      if (digit_posn = 3) then
        digit_data <= thousands; -- assign digit_data to show thousands
        DIGIT <= "0111";         -- set the 4 digit pin low (enable)
      end if;
      digit_posn := digit_posn + 1;
    end if;
  end if;
  end process display;
end arch;

-- -------------------------------------------------------
-- entity encode_7seg encodes a bin number as a 7seg digit
-- -------------------------------------------------------
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity encode_7seg is
port (  D:      IN  INTEGER range 0 to 9;                 --digit value input
                SEG:    OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0)  --output to segments
end encode_7seg;

architecture arch of encode_7seg is
  with D select                       --map input D to segments
    SEG <= "11000000" WHEN 0,         --0
           "11111001" WHEN 1,         --1
           "10100100" WHEN 2,         --2
           "10110000" WHEN 3,         --3
           "10011001" WHEN 4,         --4
           "10010010" WHEN 5,         --5
           "10000010" WHEN 6,         --6
           "11111000" WHEN 7,         --7
           "10000000" WHEN 8,         --8
           "10010000" WHEN 9,         --9
           "11111111" WHEN OTHERS;    --default blank
end arch;

7SEG4 PMOD, connected to a DE0-Nano-SoC board

7SEG4 PMOD, connected to a 85K ULX3S board