
A Mirror of Openwall's "phpass" - Portable PHP password hashing framework

Primary LanguagePHP

phpass 0.3

What is this?

This is a simple mirror of Openwall's "Portable PHP password hashing framework" called "phpass".

Why is this here?

I wanted a simple mirror of the framework that I could trust and use in my own projects as a submodule. I would have used one of the many other mirrors of this framework, but I really didn't want to give all of my trust to someone else. ;)

Should I trust you?

I'd like to believe that you can trust me, but seeing as this is a framework that could decide the entire security of your app/service/system... I wouldn't. Just do what I did and create your own mirror. ;)

Where can I get the original source?

That's easy, its available from Openwall's website as a download.

Have a nice day