
Telegram Bot for playing What?Where?When?

Primary LanguageRuby



A Telegram bot for training your brain using questions from What?Where?When? database(in Russian).

You can find bot by his nickname - @QuizTrainBrainBot.

For developers:

  1. Install ruby
  2. Install gem bundler
  3. Configure PostgreSQL
  4. Run bundle install
  5. Create directory confings in project directory, create files database.yaml and secrets.yaml
  6. Put database config in database.yaml, e.g.
    adapter: postgresql
    database: braintrain
    encoding: unicode
    pool: 5
    timeout: 5000
  7. Put TelegramBot secret token(bot_api_key) into secrets.yaml, e.g.
    bot_api_key: 'DDDDDDDDD:XXXXXXxxxxDDDXx_DXxXXxXxDDXxxXxXxxX'
  8. Run rake db:start for creating database
  9. Run rake db:migrate for performing migrations
  10. If you need to drop or reload database you can use rake db:drop and rake db:reload
  11. Make file bin/app.rb executable chmod +x bin/app.rb
  12. Run bin/app.rb for starting bot
  13. Have fun!