What is it?

It is a simple fizz buzz game written in Ruby.

Technical Stack

  1. Ruby 3.2.0
  2. Standardrb for linting
  3. Rspec for tests
  4. Github Actions for CI
  5. Docker


  1. Enter number
  2. If number dividable by 3 returns Fizz!
  3. If number divisible by 5 returns Buzz!
  4. If number divisible by 3 and 5 returns FizzBuzz!
  5. If none of the conditions above applies returns number.

How to run

In development

  1. run bundle install
  2. run bin/run

In "production"

  1. run docker build --tag fizz_buzz_game .
  2. run docker run --rm -it fizz_buzz_game

What's next?

I'm planning to use this repo for saving my solutions of different Leetcode/Codewars tasks and testing new features that I'm not used before.