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Faking Fake News for Real Fake News Detection: Propaganda-loaded Training Data Generation (ACL 2023)

Kung-Hsiang (Steeve) Huang, Kathleen McKeown, Preslav Nakov, Yejin Choi and Heng Ji

How to use this repo

Please refer to the README within each model directory for specific instructions on how to run them.


The generated data and the test data used in my experiments are included in the data folder. train.jsonl, dev.jsonl, and test.jsonl are our generated data. snopes_test.jsonl and politifact_test.jsonl contain real and fake news from Snopes and PolitiFact.

The new data used are gossipcop_train.jsonl,gossipcop_valid.jsonl,and gossipcop_test.jsonl,which are extracted and processed from the FakeNewsNet dataset.


The experimental results of the replication are presented in the table below.

Original Result - - 0.6534 - -
SNOPES 0.8584 0.3134 0.6056 0.6075 0.7543
politifact 0.8224 0.2834 0.5835 0.4851 0.7369
politifact_Ablation 0.2093 0.7714 0.4310 0.5237 0.3082
gossipcop 0.7954 0.2083 0.5835 0.4851 0.7369
gossipcop_Ablation 0.6673 0.4065 0.5587 0.5646 0.6382


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  title     = "Faking Fake News for Real Fake News Detection: Propaganda-loaded Training Data Generation",
  author    = "Huang, Kung-Hsiang, Kathleen McKeown, Preslav Nakov, Yejin Choi, and Heng Ji",
  year = "2023",
  month= july,
  booktitle = "Proceedings of the 61th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics",
  publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",