
Padé Activation Units: End-to-end Learning of Activation Functions in Deep Neural Network

Primary LanguagePython

PAU - Padé Activation Units

Padé Activation Units: End-to-end Learning of Activation Functions in Deep Neural Network

Arxiv link: https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.06732

1. About Padé Activation Units

Padé Activation Units (PAU) have become Rational Activation Functions.

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PAU matches or outperforms common activations in terms of predictive performance and training time. And, therefore relieves the network designer of having to commit to a potentially underperforming choice.

2. Dependencies

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3. Installation

PAU is implemented as a pytorch extension using CUDA 10.1. So all that is needed is to install the extension. This requires the cuda compiler and dev-tools, however the process is pretty straight forward:

in the folder /pau/cuda execute

python3 setup.py install

For this, you might need super user rights or work in a virtual environment.

4. Using PAU in Neural Networks

PAU can be integrated in the same way as any other common activation function.

import torch
from pau.utils import PAU

model = torch.nn.Sequential(
    torch.nn.Linear(D_in, H),
    PAU(), # e.g. instead of torch.nn.ReLU() 
    torch.nn.Linear(H, D_out),

5. Reproducing Results

To reproduce the reported results of the paper execute:

$ export PYTHONPATH="./"
$ python experiments/main.py --dataset mnist --arch conv --optimizer adam --lr 2e-3

# DATASET: Name of the dataset, for MNIST use mnist and for Fashion-MNIST use fmnist
# ARCH: selected neural network architecture: vgg, lenet or conv
# OPTIMIZER: either adam or sgd
# LR: learning rate