
Framework for working with Jet Images.

Primary LanguageC++



  • numpy, matplotlib, rootpy, PyROOT, and scikit-image for python.
  • fastjet version >= 3.1.0
  • Pythia version >= 8.1
  • ROOT

Building the framework

Typing make -j should do the trick on most systems if fastjet-config, pythia8-config, and root-config are all in your $PATH. If you're on the SLAC computers, run ./setup.sh first. This generates the low level event generation script (contained in the ./event-gen folder), which can be invoked as ./event-gen/event-gen, if you really need to.

Event generation.

To speed things up, there is a multicore wrapper around this generation process in generateEvents.py. Calling python generateEvents.py --help yields:

usage: generateEvents.py [-h] [--outfile OUTFILE] [--nevents NEVENTS]
                         [--ncpu NCPU] [--process PROCESS] [--pixels PIXELS]
                         [--range RANGE] [--pileup PILEUP]
                         [--pt_hat_min PT_HAT_MIN] [--pt_hat_max PT_HAT_MAX]
                         [--bosonmass BOSONMASS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --outfile OUTFILE
  --nevents NEVENTS
  --ncpu NCPU
  --process PROCESS     Can be one of ZprimeTottbar, WprimeToWZ_lept,
                        WprimeToWZ_had, or QCD
  --pixels PIXELS
  --range RANGE
  --pileup PILEUP
  --pt_hat_min PT_HAT_MIN
  --pt_hat_max PT_HAT_MAX
  --bosonmass BOSONMASS

So, let's say you wanted to generate 1000 jet images (25, 25), R = 1.0 from a QCD process over all CPUs. You would invoke

python generateEvents.py --outfile=events.root --nevents=1000 --process=QCD --pixels=25 --range=1.0

This will generate files events_cpuN.root for N = 1, ..., N_cpus.

Image processing

Image processing is handled in the parent directory.

me@mycomputer$ python jetconverter.py --help
usage: jetconverter.py [-h] [--verbose] [--signal SIGNAL] [--save SAVE]
                       [--plot PLOT]
                       [files [files ...]]

positional arguments:
  files            Files to pass in

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --verbose        Verbose output
  --signal SIGNAL  String to search for in filenames to indicate a signal file
  --save SAVE      Filename to write out the data.
  --plot PLOT      File prefix that will be part of plotting filenames.

An example invocation could look like ./jetconverter.py --signal=Wprime --save=data.npy ./data/*.root.