🏆 A ranked list of awesome Python open-source libraries and tools. Updated weekly.
- aberrierEurope
- APRashedAhmedBrown University
- atooke
- avoicikasVilnius University
- bballamudi
- bf-malefiz
- chrieke@up42
- CrinibusDenmark
- DerIntiHamburg
- equalis3rNetherlands
- faulanderVienna, Austria
- frakman1Atlanta, GA USA
- FrancisHoogendijkThe Netherlands
- j-donn
- jainal09Doble Engineering
- JanKalkanBerlin
- JDawg747
- Jleumas
- jrieke@streamlit
- justinpittsPhoenix, AZ
- k7lw
- lukasmasuchBerlin
- madepass
- Maxoron
- mbcoalsonLindahl Reed
- nikitavoloboevSantander
- pawamoy@pawamoy-insiders
- Prashanth278
- raethleinBerlin
- robenalt
- ShujaSajid
- SteveDoyle2Open to work
- stevosaurus
- stitcombeMpls
- thekingofravensPoker Palace Casino
- whitebumblebee