
This is my final project for subject Operativni sistemi 1 on ETF, Belgrade, Serbia

Primary LanguageC++

This is final project for Operativn sistem 1 on ETF for school year 2019/2020

Final version of project files are in src, resource and h directorys Tests are located in tests & more directory

To use project just copy-paste files from src, resource and h directory and copy-paste test that u want to see Tests are not mine. They are taken from the box from previous generations (link: https://m.box.com/shared_item/https%3A%2F%2Fapp.box.com%2Fs%2F0r50je333z1qyypz0h3rm0iqb9s0d64f)

In case box is ever taken down, test will not be lost.

Notes: 1. If there is a need to print output of program to file and not console, use comand: [name of project].exe > [name of output file].[extension] example: os1.exe > out.txt The output file will be in BCC folder if you use VM to do your project
