Main Branches:

[[Computer Science]] [[Global]] [[UVT]] #start

Obsidian Computer Science Map Instructions

Welcome to the Computer Science Map! This guide will help you navigate through the categories and nodes efficiently using Obsidian. Each main category is represented as a node, and each node contains six sub-categories.

Getting Started

You can chose from main branches as: [[Computer Science]] [[UVT]] [[Global]]

from there you can chose any category of Computer Science.

Each Category has 6 sub-categories as: [[Artificial intelligence]] has :

  • [[General(AI)]]
  • [[Problems(AI)]]
  • [[(Contact) AI]]
  • [[Universities(AI)]]
  • [[Future Predictions(AI]]
  • [[Important people & journals(AI)]]

other technical instructions:

1. Navigate the Graph View

  • In the left sidebar, click on the Graph View icon to open the interactive map of your notes.
  • This view displays all categories (nodes) and their connections (links).

Exploring the Map

2. Main Categories (Nodes)

  • Each main category in your computer science map is a node. These might include categories like Programming Languages, Algorithms, Data Structures, Computer Architecture, Databases, and Software Engineering.
  • Click on any node to see its connected sub-categories.

3. Sub-Categories

  • Each node has six sub-categories linked to it.
  • For example, if you click on the Algorithms node, you might see sub-categories like Sorting Algorithms, Search Algorithms, Graph Algorithms, Dynamic Programming, Greedy Algorithms, and Backtracking.
  • Click on any of these sub-categories to view detailed notes.

4. Using Links

  • Inside each note, you'll find links to other related notes. These links are clickable and will take you directly to the referenced note.
  • For instance, within the Sorting Algorithms note, you might find links to Quick Sort, Merge Sort, and Heap Sort.

Navigating Through Links

5. Back and Forward Navigation

  • Use the back and forward navigation buttons at the top-left of Obsidian to move between notes you've viewed.
  • This helps you return to previous notes without losing your place.

6. Breadcrumb Trail

  • Enable the breadcrumb plugin from the settings for easier navigation.
  • This will show you a trail of notes you’ve navigated through, allowing quick access back to parent categories or related notes.

7. Search Functionality

  • Use the search bar (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + F) to quickly find notes.
  • You can search by keywords, tags, or note titles.

Technical Details

8. Linking Notes

  • To create a link to another note, type [[Note Title]].
  • Obsidian will autocomplete note titles as you type, making linking quick and easy.

9. Embedding Notes

  • To embed content from one note into another, use the syntax ![[Note Title]].
  • This is useful for viewing related information without navigating away from the current note.

10. Tags and Metadata

  • Add tags to your notes for better organization. Tags are written as #tagname.
  • Use YAML front matter (the section between --- at the top of a note) to add metadata like categories, dates, and authors.

11. Customizing Graph View

  • Adjust the graph view settings (found in the graph view pane) to better visualize your map. You can filter nodes, adjust link visibility, and customize the appearance.

Tips for Efficient Use

12. Hotkeys

  • Familiarize yourself with Obsidian hotkeys to speed up your workflow. You can customize these in the settings.
  • Common hotkeys include Ctrl/Cmd + O to open a note, Ctrl/Cmd + E to edit a note, and Ctrl/Cmd + P to open command palette.

13. Templates

  • Use templates for consistent note-taking. Create a template for your categories and sub-categories to ensure uniform structure.

14. Daily Notes

  • Utilize the daily notes feature to jot down daily learnings or tasks. This helps in keeping track of your study progress.


Navigating the Computer Science Map in Obsidian is straightforward once you get the hang of linking and exploring notes. Use these instructions to efficiently move through categories and sub-categories, leveraging Obsidian’s powerful linking and graph visualization features. Happy studying!

--- ignore ---- for rank

[[artificial intelligence]] [[knowledge engineering]] [[bioinformatics]] [[management information systems]] [[cognitive science and learning theory]] [[multimedia design]] [[computational science ]] [[network engineering]] [[performance evaluation]] [[database engineering]] [[professional education and training]] [[digital library science]] [[scientific computing]] [[graphics]] [[software architecture]] [[HCI (human computer interaction)]] [[software engineering]] [[information science]] [[system security and privacy]] [[information systems]] [[system administration]] [[instructional design]] [[web service design]]