app |
set to true to include app tier |
string |
false |
no |
app_instance_config |
n/a |
object({ vm_name = string os_publisher = string os_offer = string os_sku = string os_version = string os_disk_storage_account_type = string machine_size = string admin_username = string admin_password = string }) |
{ "admin_password": "donotusethispassword", "admin_username": "admin", "machine_size": "Standard_D2_v4", "os_disk_storage_account_type": "Standard_LRS", "os_offer": "WindowsServer", "os_publisher": "MicrosoftWindowsServer", "os_sku": "2019-Datacenter", "os_version": "2019.0.20190410", "vm_name": "test-web" } |
no |
app_startup_script |
n/a |
string |
"" |
no |
common_tags |
(Optional) Map of common tags for taggable resources. |
map(string) |
{} |
no |
database |
set to true to include database tier |
string |
false |
no |
database_startup_script |
n/a |
string |
"" |
no |
db_instance_config |
n/a |
object({ vm_name = string os_publisher = string os_offer = string os_sku = string os_version = string os_disk_storage_account_type = string machine_size = string admin_username = string admin_password = string }) |
{ "admin_password": "donotusethispassword", "admin_username": "admin", "machine_size": "Standard_D2_v4", "os_disk_storage_account_type": "Standard_LRS", "os_offer": "WindowsServer", "os_publisher": "MicrosoftWindowsServer", "os_sku": "2019-Datacenter", "os_version": "2019.0.20190410", "vm_name": "test-web" } |
no |
disable_password_authentication |
Set password auth on or off. Needs to be false for admin_password to be set |
bool |
false |
no |
location |
Location to deploy to |
string |
"West Europe" |
no |
prefix |
Main prefix for all objects |
string |
n/a |
yes |
rg_name |
Resource group name |
string |
n/a |
yes |
subnet_id |
Subnet to deploy to |
string |
n/a |
yes |
web |
set to true to include web tier |
string |
false |
no |
web_instance_config |
windows vm related |
object({ vm_name = string os_publisher = string os_offer = string os_sku = string os_version = string os_disk_storage_account_type = string machine_size = string admin_username = string admin_password = string }) |
{ "admin_password": "donotusethispassword", "admin_username": "admin", "machine_size": "Standard_D2_v4", "os_disk_storage_account_type": "Standard_LRS", "os_offer": "WindowsServer", "os_publisher": "MicrosoftWindowsServer", "os_sku": "2019-Datacenter", "os_version": "2019.0.20190410", "vm_name": "test-web" } |
no |
web_startup_script |
// templates |
string |
"" |
no |