
This is a large collection of various demos showing off the capabilities of HaxeFlixel.

Primary LanguageHaxeMIT LicenseMIT

###Related: flixel | flixel-addons | flixel-tools | flixel-ui

A large set of demos (currently 42!) using the HaxeFlixel engine and demonstrating its capabilities. Almost all of them can be found on haxeflixel.com/demos.


  • Arcade Classics
    • Breakout
    • FlxInvaders
    • FlxSnake
    • FlxTeroids
  • Editors
    • FlxSpine
    • TiledEditor
  • Effects
    • FlxBloom
    • FlxBlur
    • FlxSkewedSprite
    • FlxSpriteFilters
    • FlxTrailArea
    • FlxTween
    • ParticlesExt
  • Flixel Features
    • CollisionAndGrouping
    • FlxCameraDemo
    • FlxNapeDemo
    • Particles
    • Pathfinding
    • Replay
    • ResolutionPolicies
    • Save
    • SplitScreen
    • TexturePackerAtlas
    • Tilemap
  • Input
    • GridMovement
    • MouseEventManager
    • Multitouch (cpp only)
    • Xbox-Gamepad (cpp only)
  • Other
    • FlxBunnyMark
    • FlxCollisions
    • FlxPongAPI
    • MinimalistTD
  • Platformers
    • EZPlatformer
    • FlipAnimationRotationTiles
    • FlxCaveGenerator
    • FlxTilemapExt
    • Mode
    • Project Jumper
    • Revenge
  • User Interface
    • FileBrowse
    • FlxTypeText
    • RPG Interface


###Current Build Status

Build Status