branch includes improvements and additional functionalityarxiv-paper
branch contains the version used for results in the arxiv paperieee-paper
branch contains the version used for results in the ieee paper
Lost? Try running:
When prompted,
- you are not on the BRC
- you do not have a jobs.json
- you want to run a script:
- yes it should have made and returned the corrent jobs.json file
- run one job for job id = 0
Please install a virtual env manager, Anaconda is suggested with Python 3. Create a new environment and set up there!
> conda create -n echo_env python=3.6
> source activate echo_env
> pip install --user --requirement requirements.txt
> ./runecho
(in progress) A Dockerfile is also supplied. With the current Dockerfile, you can run jupyter notebook. Please edit it to fit your usage.
> docker build . -t ECHO
> docker run -it -p 8888:8888 ECHO /bin/bash -c "jupyter notebook --notebook-dir=/opt/notebooks --ip='*' --port=8888 --no-browser --allow-root"
Go to localhost:8888 and copy and paste the token over.
Don't forget to shutdown your containers.
> docker ps -a
> docker rm [NAME]
Here's a useful command to rm all containers that are Exited (usually because of an error...), if you, like me are bad with Docker: docker rm $(docker ps -a | grep Exited | awk '{print $1}')
protocol - the information protocol (i.e. gradient_passing
models - the model used to learn with (classic
, neural
, poly
mod_order - QPSK
for 2, 3, or 4 bits per symbol
experiment - protocol + mod_order + agent model(s)
Examples: experiments/gradient_passing/QPSK_neural_and_classic/
or experiments/shared_preamble/QPSK_neural_vs_clone/
trial - an instantiation of a single experiment via sampling and generating new seeds
job - same as trial but agnostic to the experiment because you can have trials of multiple experiments in one jobs.json file
stores the default model parameters for running an experiment under that protocol
is used to create an experiment with default settings or command-line specified settings. (See examples of usage in ./scripts/single
and ./scripts/singlecustom
is used to create a jobs.json file containing the parameters to run multiple trials (sampling or generating seeds) for a single experiment. If you supply a file with multiple experiments (one per line), a single jobs.json will be made containing jobs for all of the experiments listed. (See examples of usage in ./scripts/single
, ./scripts/singlecustom
, ./utils/
creates and makes jobs for ALL of the default experiments. Or for a specific protocol. (See examples of usage in ./scripts/singleprotocol
and ./scripts/all
is used to run experiments from a jobs.json file.
is used to plot the results of a single job output.
: cleans out results, experiments and temporary files.
: cleans out outputs from running on brc
: see the file. creates 1 experiment using default settings, makes the jobs, and then runs the first job
: see the file. creates 1 experiment using custom params in the custom_params folder, makes the jobs, and then runs the first job
: see the file, creates the default experiments for a single protocol, makes jobs into a single jobs.json file, runs the first job.
: see the file, creates the default experiments for all protocols, makes jobs into a single jobs.json file, runs the first job.
: command-line helper for running experiments.
: Use this tool to help you. It knows what to do.
: Use this tool to clean up after you've finished up running to clean up intermediate files
Useful commands:
squeue -u caryntran
: Jobs on the queue / being runscancel [job-id]
: Cancel a jobsinfo -p savio2
: See nodes available and being usedwwall -j [job-id]
: See the utilization of the nodes
- []
- []
- []
- []
- []
- Make GCloud Account
- Install cloud sdk, docker
- Make a project + enable billing
- Make a bucket
- Enable APIs: AI Platform ("Cloud Machine Learning Engine"), Compute Engine, and Google Container Registry API
Set these environment variables to make your life easy. Replace bracketed values with UNIQUE identifiers. These must correspond to the project_id and bucket_name you created on GCloud console.
export PROJECT_ID=[torch-echo]
export BUCKET_NAME=[sahai_echo]
These can be whatever you want:
export BASE_NAME=[echo_tuning]
export IMAGE_REPO_NAME=$BASE_NAME_pytorch_container
export IMAGE_TAG=$BASE_NAME_pytorch
export NOW=$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)
export JOB_NAME=$BASE_NAME_container_job_${NOW}
export MODEL_DIR=$BASE_NAME_pytorch_model_${NOW}
export REGION=us-west1
Build the Dockerfile Test it locally Push it onto Google Cloud
docker build -f Dockerfile -t $IMAGE_URI ./
docker run $IMAGE_URI --total-batches 10 --log-interval 2
docker push $IMAGE_URI
Run on Google Cloud
gcloud beta ai-platform jobs submit training $JOB_NAME \
--job-dir=$JOB_DIR \
--region=$REGION \
--master-image-uri $IMAGE_URI \
--config=config.yaml \
--scale-tier BASIC
and trainer/
will be of interest to you