- 0
Data from the filter and only the filter
#60 opened by Krysztophe - 2
wildcards not working as expected in "--limit"
#59 opened by ElhanM - 3
- 0
Query with a list can`t be parsed
#54 opened by piksida - 0
- 6
- 5
psql invalid command \n or \N
#49 opened by fegmorte - 3
psql:mini.sql:254159: ERROR: permission denied: "RI_ConstraintTrigger_c_11890996" is a system trigger
#43 opened by piqoni - 1
- 9
Can't run on a read-only DB.
#31 opened by mehulp118 - 10
- 3
- 1
Use of uninitialized value $sample_fk_table in concatenation (.) or string at pg_sample-master/pg_sample line 685
#42 opened by gp4git - 63
DBD::Pg::db do failed: ERROR:
#5 opened by lpossamai - 2
Version 1.13 missing from github releases
#39 opened by stephenemslie - 4
Export data with inserts statements
#38 opened by ash67 - 7
select rows based on simple criteria
#8 opened by chimeno - 4
Add installation instructions
#19 opened by Aditya94A - 1
- 5
Error using --random parameter
#36 opened by luizm - 7
Docker workflow
#27 opened by olivierdalang - 1
- 9
Make row ordering deterministic
#30 opened by olivierdalang - 3
Is it possibe to use the --limit query based on the contents of one of the sample tables
#34 opened by mehulp118 - 1
Feature Request: Wildcards in relations in limit
#23 opened by Zyntogz - 1
Wildcards in the names of table
#18 opened by filippovdenis - 3
pg_sample in Docker (solution)
#10 opened by vladimirlogachev - 11
Fails with json columns?
#20 opened by Aditya94A - 1
Sampling a remote database
#12 opened by propupul - 2
pg_sample --no-privileges
#7 opened by lpossamai - 3
Docker: Can't exec "pg_dump"
#26 opened by jacektrocinski - 9
Correct Partition Handling [feature/partitions]
#22 opened by Zyntogz - 5
- 3
Using --schema flag for having dump schema level granularity like in pg_dump and introduce --sample_schema overtaking old functionality
#13 opened by andilabs - 3
DBD::Pg::db table_info failed: ERROR:
#6 opened by santanab - 6
- 2