
React popper based on popper.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Popper

npm version

The best React popper based on popper.js and React 16


  • Easy to use, check the usage below.
  • React to props change, re-render the popper when options change.
  • Nesting, popper inside popper, so one can use two popup windows for mouseenter and click events separately.

Try it


Install with yarn:

yarn add @d8660091/react-popper

Or npm:

npm install @d8660091/react-popper -P

Import in your source file:

import Popper from '@d8660091/react-popper'

    placement: 'bottom'
  renderRef={({ setReference, toggle }) => (
    <span ref={setReference} onClick={toggle}>
      Popover Trigger
  <div>Popper content</div>


interface PopperProps {
  renderRef: (RenderProps) => ReactNode,
  options?: Object,
  renderPop?: (RenderProps) => ReactNode,
  children?: ReactNode[],
  canClickOutside?: Boolean, // default: false
  style?: Object,
  className?: string,
  defaultIsOpened?: Boolean, // default: false

interfcae RenderProps extends PopperProps {
  setReference: (el: HTMLElement) => void,
  setPop: (el: HTMLElement) => void,
  isOpened: boolean,
  open: () => void,
  close: () => void,
  toggle: () => void,
  • options: popper.js options.
  • renderRef: the function to render reference, i.e, the element used to position the popper.
  • children: content inside the popper.
  • canClickOutside: if true, popper will not hide itself when users click outside.
  • style and className: goes to the popper instead of the reference.
  • renderPop: if this function is set, the children, style and className will be ignored and the popper will be rendered using this function.
  • defaultIsOpened: whether open popper when it mounts

Storybook - More usages, including specifying options, styles and nesting. You can also play with the components by live editing the options and placements.