
A vagrant development box focused on PHP development (Laravel, WordPress...).

Primary LanguageShell

TeamBox Vagrant (TBV)

A vagrant development environment focused on PHP development (Laravel, WordPress...).

How To Use

To use it, download and install Vagrant, VirtualBox and Git. Clone this repository and run:

git clone https://github.com/mladjom/tbv.git
cd tbv
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater --local
vagrant up

For ssh access:

vagrant ssh

Note: Default preconfigured host is tbv.test.

Minimum System requirements

  • Vagrant 2.2.4+
  • Virtualbox 6.0.12
  • Git
  • 2GB+ of RAM
  • Virtualisation ( VT-X ) enabled in the BIOS ( Windows/Linux )
  • Hyper-V turned off ( Windows )

Software included

  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver)
  • Apache HTTP Server version 2.4
  • PHP 7.2
  • MySQL 5.7
  • phpMyAdmin
  • Composer
  • WP-CLI
  • MailCatcher (TODO)
  • Redis (TODO)

Adding a New Site

This package ships with a custom.conf.example and hosts.yml.example file in the root of the project.

You must rename those files to just custom.conf and hosts.yml

cp custom.conf.example custom.conf
cp hosts.yml.example hosts.yml

Note: Make sure you have hidden files shown on your system.

You can add virtual hosts to apache by editing custom.conf file. The DocumentRoot of the new virtual host will be a directory within the www/ folder matching the ServerName you specified. The Directory maps to a folder on the host machine.

<VirtualHost *:80>
    <Directory /var/www/example>
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride all
        Require all granted
    DocumentRoot "/var/www/example"
    ServerName example.test

In order to access new vagrant hosts via your local browser you will need to edit your hosts file hosts.yml like this:

- example.test

To update you will need to reload vagrant with provision flag.

vagrant reload --provision

Create /www/example folder. Open it in an editor to start making changes to your site.

When it's done, visit http://example.test.



The Apache server is available at


Externally the MySQL server is available at port 8889, and when running on the VM it is available as a socket or at port 3306 as usual.
Username: root
Password: toor


PhpMyadmin is available at
Username: root
Password: toor


Composer binary is installed globally (to /usr/local/bin), so you can simply call composer from any directory.


  • Fake SMTP Server
  • Redis