Weisfeiler-Lehman Filtration Kernel


  • tqdm==4.28.1
  • networkx==2.4
  • numpy==1.19.1
  • scikit_learn==0.24.2

Run the code:

Example: python3 Main.py EGO-2

NOTE: files in data folder need to be unzipped first

Additional arguments are as follows:

positional arguments:
  db                    	Dataset name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            	show this help message and exit
  --h H [H ...]         	List of WL depths values
  --k K [K ...]         	List of filtration lengths
  --gamma GAMMA [GAMMA ...]	List of gammas            
  --c C [C ...]         	List of Cs (SVM parameter)
  --jobs JOBS           	Number of parallel processes