
A small script for converting a straight xlsx file to an odoo xml file.

Primary LanguagePython


A small script for converting a straight xlsx file to an odoo xml file.

Usage: odoo_xlsx2xml.py <xlsx file> <record model> [<output.xml>]

Example: odoo_xlsx2xml.py accounts.xlsx account.account.template chart_of_accounts.xml

The xlsx file must meet the following requirements:

  • contains only one worksheet
  • field names are located on the first row of the sheet
  • contains a field called id
  • the data starts from row 2

A column can contain attribute values instead of regular text content. These columns must have question mark as a delimiter and the attribute name after that. See example below (parent?ref).
Converts this:

record model: my.module.label

id name parent?ref
a0 Record 1
a1 Record 2 a0

into this: ``` Record 1 Record 2 ```