
A library for working with JSON References.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

JSON Reference

Maintained Once Again!

This project was originally forked from thephpleague who is no longer maintaining it. However this library is the best json dereferencer I can find, so I will continue to maintain it.

Please log any issues or feature requests here

Most JSON schemas use JSON references to minimize duplication. A JSON reference is an object that looks like {"$ref": "http://some/where"} and points to a JSON object somewhere else.

JSON Reference is a library for resolving references.

  • Resolves all references, replacing them with proxy objects.
  • Supports references to external files, urls, or custom sources.
  • Safely resolves circular references.
  • Supports caching dereferenced schemas.
  • Dereferenced schemas can be safely json_encoded.
  • Works with Swagger, JSON Schema, and any other spec compliant JSON documents.


Via Composer

composer require mlambley/json-reference


Complete documentation is available here

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information about what has changed recently.


$ composer test-server
$ composer test


The benchmarks require a local redis server to be running on localhost at the default port.

$ composer bench


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


  • [Matt Allan][link-author]
  • [All Contributors][link-contributors]


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.