My Candidates

The goal (somewhat realised) is this for to be a simple static site that lists all known candidates for the upcoming Australian federal election on July 2nd, 2016.

Progress Report


  • Scraper that sources electorates and the postcodes within them.
  • Scraper that sources a list of federal political parties.
  • A Google spreadsheet that will be the source of candidates.
  • A Google form to help source candidate data (name, party, electorate, social media links).
  • Popolo data sourced from the Google spreadsheet.
  • Write code to generate pages for each postcode and electorate. If a postcode only has one electorate, redirect to that electorate. If it has more than one, offer the viewer a choice.
  • On electorate pages, include a link to the Google form to allow people to suggest missing candidates.
  • Get some decent candidate data together so the site isn't empty.

In progress:

  • Add meaningful layouts and design.

Working on the site:

You'll need Ruby installed, and the bundler gem. Once that is the case:

bundle install

To run a webserver that hosts the site locally:

bundle exec jekyll serve

Scrapers and Data

Unless there are data changes, you won't need to run any of these tasks - all data and template files are committed to the repository.

Candidate Information

To regenerate the popolo data from the Google spreadsheet, use the generate:popolo rake task:

bundle exec rake generate:popolo

To rebuild the electorate and postcode pages from the latest popolo data, use the generate:pages rake task:

bundle exec rake generate:pages

And to run them both together (which will be needed every time the Google spreadsheet has updated information), there's a single generate:all rake task:

bundle exec rake generate:all

Postcodes, Electorates, Parties

Postcode, electorate and party information has been scraped from the AEC website in _data/electorates.json and _data/parties.json. You shouldn't need to recreate these files from scratch (there's nothing volatile about this data), but on the off chance it is needed, run the following rake tasks:

bundle exec rake scrapers:electorates
bundle exec rake scrapers:parties


Firstly, please note the Code of Conduct for all contributions to this project. If you accept that, then the steps for contributing are probably something along the lines of:

  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Copyright (c) 2016, My Candidates is developed and maintained by Pat Allan, and is released under the open MIT Licence.