
Details about using the sample test data provided for the U.S. Bank hackathon APIs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This section will provide details about the test data for using the U.S. Bank APIs as well as useful tools that can be leveraged to work with these APIs.

The sample data is limited account-related data which will include:

  • Specific test users
  • Specific test financial accounts for these users (including but not limited to credit cards, checking accounts and savings accounts)
  • Transaction data for these test accounts

In general, all of the U.S. Bank sample data is static, meaning that you will not be able to modify any of the values. For example, you will not be able to change the actual balance of a particular account even though you may wish to create an application that moves money between different accounts or that tries to make a credit card purchase. In such a case, it is up to you, as the developer, to emulate the dynamic changes to the account balance.