
Applied Data Science of ATL Kaggle competition

  • Objective: Develop a forecasting model to predict the quantity of sales for all products for a grocery store chain
  • Website: Highlight to team: No private sharing outside teams Privately sharing code or data outside of teams is not permitted. It's okay to share code if made available to all participants on the forums. Use this repository to prepare for team submissions. I am leaning on experienced Kaggle competitors to guide us on best practices to play well with others in the competition.


  • Rashaad Jones (R. Jones) -- Lead
  • Darren Triplett
  • Tommie Jones (T. Jones)
  • Michael Lane
  • Michael Petrey
  • Betty Glover
  • Reina Lingle
  • Ed Bujak
  • Luke Meeker


  • Slack (ATL_BDC_Team5/kaggle-favorita)
  • Sococo (
  • Skype


  • Jan 8 -- Team signup
  • Jan 15 -- Final submission