Max Langensiepen
Borrowed Sample Code From: - -Also referenced the TCPEchoServer / Client from the Sample Code File
//Compile with: //Client must be linked with readline (was very frustrated with fgets) gcc -o client client.c DieWithError.c -lreadline
gcc -o server server.c DieWithError.c
//Start server with ./server 3333, or any port number
//Run any client with three arguments. Port defaults to 3333 if none is specified.
//The first argument is the recipient ID.
//The IDs increment starting from 0 on each instance of the server.
//New messages are retrieved in each client after they finish sending a message (the input blocks retrieval until a message is entered)
//The client sits in a loop asking for new messages, each instance of the client sends to its indicated recipient
//quit as a message quits the program
./client 1 3333
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