
Serverless full-stack React app on GCP

Primary LanguageTypeScript

GCP Serverless React App

A reference project to deploy a static React app onto Google Cloud Storage, Cloud Build as the CI/CD tool, and Cloud Functions as serverless back-end, referencing this GCP documentation

App URL here

GCP Architecture


terraform -help # prints Terraform options

Domain set-up

  • Add the GCP credentials JSON client_email as an owner of the domain. See Cloud Storage documentation here


  • Populate the variables in terraform.tfvars
project                = <GCP-PROJECT-ID>
bucket_name            = <STATIC-SITE-BUCKET-NAME>
cloud_source_repo_name = <CLOUD-SOURCE-REPOSITORY-NAME>
# and other variables


gcloud auth application-default login # authenticate with GCP
cd deploy # change to deploy directory
terraform init # initialises Terraform
terraform apply # deploys GCP stack
terraform destroy # destroys GCP stack

Build/run app locally

  • Create a .env file with the following, and place at project root directory:
  • Run npm run start and visit aapp at http://localhost:3000

Domain configuration

  • Creat an A record and point it to the external static IP address. See reference GCP documentaion here

Connect to Cloud SQL

  • Connect to Cloud SQL to view database tables:
psql postgresql://postgresql-database-user:<DB-PASSWORD>@<CLOUD-SQL-IP>:5432/react-serverless-gcp-database


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
