
Revisor is an remotely-controlled lightweight browser mainly designed for integration testing and automating tasks.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Revisor is an remotely-controlled lightweight browser mainly designed for integration testing and automating tasks. It's based on C++/Qt4/WebKit and is cross-platform, fast, and memory efficient (well, at least it should be). Revisor was designed with minimalistic approach in mind, so it aims to have less features and small codebase.

Revisor is NOT production-ready yet, but who cares? As developer, you should definitely give him a try. And of course, Revisor is under active development, so all your patches and suggestions are welcome.

Quick overview

Revisor is a small HTTP server combined with small WebKit renderer. It listens for HTTP commands and executes them. Commands are hashes serialized to JSON. Responses are JSON hashes too. You just create a command, send it to Revisor and get response. Very simple. Obey.

Why Revisor is better?

Or "Why Selenium sucks?" Because:

  • No Java Required
  • No fight with Same Origin Policy.
  • It's lightweight and easy to use. You don't need to run Big Firefox with all it's unnecessary GUI and plugins.
  • It allows to have completely separate "sessions" within one Revisor process. With Selenium you need to start as many Firefox instances, as many sessions you need.
  • Revisor could be used from almost any environment, because it uses HTTP and JSON to communicate with clients.


You need Qt 4.6 and ArgTable2 to compile Revisor.

$ sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev libargtable2-dev
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ qmake ../revisor.pro
$ make

That's all!


To use Revisor, just run it's executable and start sending requests.

$ ./revisor -l -p 8080 &
  Revisor is listening "" on port 8080 PID xxxx
$ curl --data "command={name:'session.start',session_name:'Hello world!'}"

Revisor comes with Ruby helper library, which you might find useful. This library contains object-oriented client API, usage examples and test suite.

Command reference


Starts a new session.

  • session_name - name to use for created session


Stops existing session and closes all tabs associated with it.

  • session_name - session name to stop


Creates a tab within a running session.

  • session_name - existing session name
  • tab_name - name to use for newly created tab


Destroys an existing tab.

  • session_name - session name
  • tab_name - tab name to destroy


Open URL in tab.

  • session_name - existing session name
  • tab_name - tab to use
  • url - URL to open


Waits for page load. If page is already loaded, returns immediately.

  • session_name - session name
  • tab_name - tab name
  • timeout - wait timeout in msec, default is 0 (no timeout) [optional]


Executes JavaScript in tab context and returns value of last statement.

  • session_name - session name
  • tab_name - tab name
  • script - script source to execute


Sets answer for JavaScript confirm() function.

  • session_name - session name
  • tab_name - tab name
  • answer - answer in boolean representation (OK - true, Cancel - false)


Sets answer for JavaScript prompt() function.

  • session_name - session name
  • tab_name - tab name
  • answer - string answer
  • cancelled - boolean value indicates if 'Cancel' button was pressed


Saves screenshot of current page to image file.

  • session_name - session name
  • tab_name - tab name
  • file_name - file to render page to
  • viewport_width - width of resulting image
  • viewport_height - height of resulting image


Update cookies information or add new ones.

  • session_name - session name
  • url - if domain or path attributes of cookie are not set, they will be extracted from this URL
  • cookies - array of objects containing information for cookies. Those objects has following keys:
    • name - name of the cookie
    • value - value of the cookie
    • path - URL path where cookie exists
    • domain - domain where cookie exists
    • expires_at - when cookie expires
    • http_only - "HTTP ONLY" flag (?)
    • secure - can this cookie be transfered through unencrypted connections


Retrieve list of actual cookies for specified URL.

  • session_name - session name
  • url - URL to get cookies for.


Sends mouse event to a web page in specified tab.

  • session_name - session name
  • tab_name - tab name
  • type - type of event: ['click', 'button_press', 'button_release', 'dblclick', 'move']
  • x - event x coordinate, relative to page
  • y - event y coordinate, relative to page
  • button - button for click, button_press, button_release or dblclick events, one of ['left', 'right', 'mid', 'xbutton1', 'xbutton2']
  • buttons - array of buttons for move event
  • modifiers - array of keyboard modifiers: ['shift', 'control', 'alt', 'meta', 'keypad', 'group_switch']


Copyright (c) 2009 Mikhail Lapshin (sotakone at sotakone dot com), released under the MIT license.