
Algorithms and Data Structures, coded by readers of "Algorithms and Data Structures in Action

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Book Cover

Algorithms and Data Structures, coded by readers of "Algorithms and Data Structures in Action"


All code in this repo is uploaded by readers and it's NOT curated by the author or Manning. This is meant as a place to share code in more languages than a single author could possibly write: check all code and use it at your own risk.

If you'd like to take a look at the code provided with the book (mainly in Python, JavaScript and Java), check out the official repo for the book.

Instructions to Upload Code

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Create a new branch
  3. Upload your code in the folder /<data structure>/<programming language>/<your username> For instance, if your username is hsimpson and you are uploading a Java version of Treaps, create folder /Treaps/Java/hsimpson You might have to create a new folder if you are the first one to add a missing programming language; the folder structure inside your folder is up to you.
  4. Make sure you pass the tests for the given DS. Check here to see how. You might have to write tests to your language of election, or adapt them to match your API: feel free to share them, within your folder
  5. When all tests pass, push your branch and create a pull request.

Repository's Structure

Code of Conduct

This is not a moderated forum, and everyone is responsible for their content and comments. However, we invite everyone to behave appropriately in every interaction, avoiding any offensive content.

If you notice any inappropriate behavior or offensive material, please do bring that to our attention or use the appropriate GitHub tools to report any content violating their terms, as well as the user who produced it.