
Satellite-Based Estimates Reveal Widespread Forest Degradation in the Amazon

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Satellite-Based Estimates Reveal Widespread Forest Degradation in the Amazon

Authors: Eric L. Bullock, Curtis E. Woodcock, Carlos Souza Jr., & Pontus Olofsson


Data used in analysis:

  1. The condensed version of the disturbance dataset used in analysis. The dataset contains for the first two detected disturbances: year, magnitude, and type. The dataset can be found as a GEE asset: users/bullocke/amazon/public/Bullock_Amazon_Condensed.
  2. The full version of the disturbance dataset used in analysis with the raw and unorganized outputs from CODED. The dataset can be found as a GEE asset: users/bullocke/amazon/public/Bullock_Amazon_Raw
  3. The stratification used to derive a sample. The strata can be found as a GEE asset: users/bullocke/amazon/public/Bullock_Amazon_Strata
  4. The interpreted reference samples with location (latitude/longitude), strata code, reference label, and first three disturbance years and types (deforestation or D/ND). The reference samples are provided in the file 'reference_samples.xlsx'. Reference samples, with corresponding Landsat imagery and NDFI time series, can also be viewed at: https://bullocke.users.earthengine.app/view/amazonsamples. Example scripts for estimating area can be found at: github.com/bullocke/amazon.

Contact: bullocke@bu.edu