
Documentation website for react-md

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

NOTE: This is no longer in use as it has been merged back into the main react-md project.


The documentation website for react-md

This is done as a separate repositority as a lazy way of checking that the react-md works as an npm module.

Getting Started

If you want to test the most recent changes from the react-md it is ideal to follow the steps below:

$ git clone https://github.com/mlaursen/react-md
$ git clone https://github.com/mlaursen/react-md-docs
$ cd react-md && npm i && npm run build && npm link
# Optionally run this as well if you want live updates
$ npm run scripts:watch

# Documentation repo
$ cd ../react-md-docs && npm i && npm link react-md

# Finally start the docs dev server
$ npm run browser

This will clone both respositories and link the react-md project to the docs project so any changes that happen in react-md will be reflected in the docs.

Basic Usage

$ npm run browser    # compiles the server and enables hot module replacement for the client

$ npm run build      # builds the prod server
$ npm start          # runs the prod server