
An electronic component pick list application and file parser library

Primary LanguagePerlArtistic License 2.0Artistic-2.0

MetaCPAN Release


PickLE - An electronic component pick list application and file parser library.


An application and a parsing library to create an electronic component pick list file format designed to be human-readable and completely usable in its own plain-text form.


If you're going to use this bundle only as a library to parse PickLE documents it's super simple:

use PickLE::Document;

# Start from scratch.
my $doc = PickLE::Document->new;

# Load from file.
$doc = PickLE::Document->load("example.pkl");

# List all document properties.
$doc->foreach_property(sub {
  my $property = shift;
  say $property->name . ': ' . $property->value;

# List all components in each category.
$doc->foreach_category(sub {
  my $category = shift;
  $category->foreach_component(sub {
    my ($component) = @_;
    say $component->name;

For the command-line application you can just run pickle and you'll be presented with the up-to-date usage of the tool.

This bundle also comes with a web server that can be used as a microservice to parse PickLE documents. In order to use this you just run picklews which is a Mojolicious web application and accepts the common command-line arguments described in Mojolicious::Commands.


You must have installed all of the third-party libraries listed in cpanfile.


This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Nathan Campos nathan@innoveworkshop.com


Copyright (c) 2022- Nathan Campos.