
python-basics-salsifise created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguagePython

Python Assigments 👨‍🏫📚🎓✅

Dear MLBC Student, After we did Python Crash Course it's the time for assignments to practice what you've learned, you will find 3 exercises called :

  • problem_one.py
  • problem_two.py
  • problem_three.py

💣 Please complete each one on it's file and commit what you did.


The repository of this course can be found at this Link, in which you can find in it some code example, lessons and so one to help you get started with your assignment. If you need extra help you can get it by making an issue in this repository, tag me (@Younes-Charfaoui) and then describe what do you need, We will review the solution and reply to all kind of help.