
Starting repository for the Transform 2021 Hack-a-Thon Well Correlation project

Primary LanguageLasso


Repository for the Transform 2021 Hack-a-Thon Well Correlation project


Open source manual well correlation tools are nearly non-existent. Well correlations are the basic interpretations methodology to test stratigraphic and structural hypotheses. Manual Correlation Notes. These correlations can assist with seismic depth conversion and petrophysical zonation for more advanced interpretations, along with providing inputs for maps of structure and thickness. Without a way to provide expert well correlations on well log data, it is difficult to support other projects on SWUNG or amass enough clean and validated data for later ML processes. This project aims to fix that lack of tool.

Project Notes

Google Slides capturing the notes


  • Build a method that can allow for manual well correlation manipulation for multiple tops for multiple wells at once
  • Have a way to store, recall, and extract well correlations for display upon a well log display or export
  • Identification of pain-points and technology development for potential future work past the hack-a-thon

Link to Transfrom 2021 discussion: softwareunderground/transform-2021-hackathon#12


Photo and icon from Jamie Davies on Unspash