
Self service identity management portal for FreeIPA

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

OpenUnison FreeIPA Quickstart

This quickstart will deploy an OpenUnison integration with FreeIPA. Once deployed, a user will be able to:

  1. Register
  2. Request access to groups managed by FreeIPA
  3. Update their own profile and upload an SSH key
  4. Use a self service password reset if they forget their password

In addition to the keystore created in the instructions from https://hub.docker.com/r/tremolosecurity/openunisons2idocker/ the FreeIPA root certificate should be added to the keystore.

Environment Variables

Variable Description Example
OU_HOST The host name users will use to access the site myapp.mycompany.lan
FREEIPA_BASE The root DN of the FreeIPA Server dc=rheldemo,dc=lan
FREEIPA_HOST The host name of the FreeIPA Server ipa.rheldemo.lan
FREEIPA_BIND_USER A DN with read access to the 389 backing FreeIPA uid=someuser,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=rheldemo,dc=lan
FREEIPA_BIND_PASSWORD The password for the read access service account somesecret
FREEIPA_ADMIN_USER Administrative user used to update IPA admin
FREEIPA_ADMIN_PASSWORD Admin user's password *****
OU_HIBERNATE_DIALECT The hibernate dialect for your database (https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/4.2/javadocs/org/hibernate/dialect/package-summary.html) org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect
OU_JDBC_DRIVER The JDBC driver used to talk to the database JDBC driver for your database, make sure that the driver is a dependency in your POM file
OU_JDBC_URL The connection URL for the OpenUnison audit database jdbc:mysql://mariadb:3306/unison?useSSL=true
OU_JDBC_USER User used to connect to the audit database root
OU_JDBC_PASSWORD Password used to connect to the audit database *****
OU_JDBC_VALIDATION A query for validating connections on checkout SELECT 1
SMTP_HOST Host for the SMTP server smtp.gmail.com
SMTP_PORT Port for the SMTP Server 587
SMTP_FROM The "From" subject of emails to approvers You have approvals waiting
SMTP_USER User name for accessing the email server user@domain.com
SMTP_PASSWORD Password for the user for the email server *****
SMTP_TLS true/false if the SMTP server uses TLS true
OU_AUDITOR_GROUP The name (cn) of a group in FreeIPA that provides access for auditors system-auditors
JAVA_OPTS List of Java system properties, MUST include unisonKeystorePassword -Djava.awt.headless=true -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -DunisonKeystorePassword=start123
OU_JDBC_PWD_URL The JDBC URL for the password reset database jdbc:mysql://mariadb:3306/passwordReset?useSSL=true
GOOGLE_CAPTCHA_SITE_KEY Site Key from https://www.google.com/recaptcha XXXXXX
GOOGLE_CAPTCHA_SECRET Secret from google recaptcha XXXXXX
OU_SELF_REG_APPROVER_GROUP The name (cn) of the group for approving user self registrations


Once deployed, access this site by navigating to https://OU_HOST/ replacing OU_HOST with the value of the OU_HOST environment variable. For instance, if OU_HOST is myapp.mycompany.lan use https://myapp.mycompany.lan/. Once prompted for a username and password, use a uid and password from FreeIPA. Once logged in, a page showing all headers, request and session variables is shown.

Production Deployment

Once you've moved past a proof of concept and wish to move into production there are some areas that should be updated:

  1. Fork the TS repo - Create a fork of this repo so you can make customizations
  2. ScaleJS pages - This repo proxies the pages directly our of their github repo. This is great for a quick POC, but for a production deployment you should copy down the ScaleJS pages so you can make edits, update the logos, etc.
  3. Tweak the tuning parameters - All of the connection pools have parameters for the number of connections, timeouts, etc.
  4. Remove components you don't need - If you don't need user self registration, just password reset and ScaleJS go ahead and remove it.
  5. Create a database for the scheduler - See the OpenUnison documentation for specifics but you don't want scheduled tasks to be run on every OpenUnison instance, only one.
  6. Connect to a JMS Server - Just as with the scheduler, connecting to an external JMS scheduler will provide scalability and high availability across a cluster.
  7. Create separate static keys for workflows, queues, etc - The unison-session key is used throughout the configuration for simplicity. Once you are ready for production separate keys should be used for different functions to decrease the impact of a change or if one of the keys is compromised.