
How long can you work on making a routine task more efficient before you're spending more time than you save?

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Is creating an automation worth it?


This is a toy codebase meant to exercise some Golang and GitHub Actions features and capabilities.

How much time can you sink into an automation before you are spending more time than you save?


  • work day is 8 hours
  • work week is 5 days


The inspiration for this is the XKCD comic.

The purpose of this repository to develop an example Golang project that exercises all the relevant GitHub features for the project.

It includes:

  • a library (pkg directory)
  • a CLI (cmd directory)
  • a README.md
  • tests
  • versioned releases
  • a web assembly web page

It does not include:

  • a GitHub wiki
  • a GitHub project


Install the CLI

Copy the binary executable into your system PATH. Then run:

./isitworththetime --help

Use the library

go get -u https://github.com/mlbright/isitworththetime/pkg

In your code:

import (
	automation "github.com/mlbright/isitworththetime/pkg"


isitworththetime --saved 30s --interval 672h --frequency 1

Build the executable file
