

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The SignalRWithVuejsExample project aims on providing a simple example of a web application using websockets.

The front-end application is developed using Vue.js while the back-end application (API) is developed using .Net Core (C#).

The websockets are provided by the SignalR library.

There is no database for this application. It means the data is lost when the back-end application is restarted.

This example is based on the tutorial posted by Daniel Jimenez Garcia, on https://www.dotnetcurry.com/aspnet-core/1480/aspnet-core-vuejs-signalr-app.

Steps to run

Client with Vue.js

  1. Open the client folder
  2. Run the command npm install to restore the node modules (dependencies)
  3. Run the command npm run serve to start serving the front-end application

Note: If you run the API with Visual Studio Code, the URL is setup to be on https://localhost:5001 and on http://localhost:5000. If you run with Visual Studio, the UR is setup to be on https://localhost:44308 and on http://localhost:58070. So, please, remember to change base URL on axios.defaults.baseURL in the main.js file and also the URLs in the Vue components files (*.vue).

API with .Net Core

Running with Visual Studio Code

  1. Open the signalrexample.api folder
  2. Run the command dotnet run to start serving the API

Running with Visual Studio

  1. Open the SignalRExample.API.sln solution
  2. (Re)Build with Ctrl+Shift+B. This will also restore the dependencies (packages)
  3. Run the SignalRExample.API project

