Primary LanguagePython

PseudoUridyLation Sites Estimator -- PULSE


  1. The 'model' directory includes PULSE models and theirs weights and architecture.

  2. The 'data' directory contains the analysis files we used in the article.


  • Python 2.7
  • Keras 1.0.5
  • Numpy 1.12.0
  • Theano 0.9
  • CUDA 8.0


  1. Change to the 'model' directory
  2. Use the following command to run PULSE:
python pulse.py -s [human(h) or mouse(m)] -i input.fa -o out_path


  1. The input sequence should be in one line fasta format.
  2. The 'data' directory contains the results of the paper

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me
E-mail: he-x15@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn