
A Drone plugin for publishing Open API service specifications

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Publish Open API spec files from a Drone pipeline

This plugin accepts a team name along with a valid Open API spec file and it will post the given information to the given uploader_url.

Drone versions

This plugin supports Drone 0.4 and 0.6+ (0.5 is deprecated).

The example below is for secrets in the Drone 1.0+ format, where the GCP Service Account json must be passed to the GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS parameter in .drone.yml as an environment variable.

Basic example config to publish the swagger.yaml spec file under the kids team:

  • name: publish-openapi image: nytimes/drone-openapi settings: uploader_url: https://apis.nyt.net/update spec: swaggerui/swagger.yaml team: kids environment: GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS: from_secret: GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS when: event:
    • push branch:
    • main