
Contains examples of how to filter and download fishery product import and export data using the API

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Contains examples of how to filter and download fishery product import and export data using the API

This repository contains examples of how to accesss the foreign fishery trade data programmatically using an API. It contains examples using both R and Stata.

The main landing page for this data set is here: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/sustainable-fisheries/foreign-fishery-trade-data

I hope this helps people access and use the data. Feel free to contact me or create a pull request if you have any comments or questions.

I want to thank Sofia Reardon for explaining the basics of the query syntax to me.

The R examples use the httr and jsonlite packages.

The Stata examples are written by Min-Yang Lee at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. These .do files are in the "Stata" subfolder and use the insheetjson and libjson packages, which you will need to install from the Boston College Statistical Software Components (SSC) archive.

If you have ideas on how to better interact with the fishery trade data, please share with me and your colleagues!

Cameron Speir