Database created for a class project


Database created for a class project. The following commands were used to create & alter the Database to the professor's wishses:

Create TABLE Employee ( emplid INT primary KEY, first_name varchar(255), last_name varchar(255), sex varchar(255), address varchar(255), dob varchar(255), doh varchar(255), h_rate varchar(255), week_h int, title varchar(255), email varchar(255) );

insert into Employee values (123453, 'mary', 'jane', 'f', '123_oak_street', '01-02-90', '02-03-22', '20.00', '40', 'coordinator', '1234fegmail.com'), (123455, 'mandy', 'jane', 'f', '124_oak_street', '01-02-89', '02-03-20', '22.00', '40', 'tutor', '12345fegmail.com'), (243455, 'moe', 'mason', 'm', '124_cherry_street', '01-02-80', '02-03-19', '28.00', '40', 'coordinator', '12wfeffw3gmail.com'), (132425, 'mickey', 'jameson', 'm', '124_pine_street', '01-02-85', '02-03-15', '25.00', '40', 'tutor', 'r23rdf33gmail.com'), (1354632, 'mark', 'knight', 'm', '124_lime_street', '01-02-84', '02-03-21', '23.00', '40', 'coordinator', '1efjakfgmail.com');

select * from Employee;

select * from Employee where title = 'coordinator';

select h_rate from Employee where h_rate > 22.00;

select h_rate from Employee where h_rate < 22.00;

select avg(h_rate) as averageWage from Employee;

Create TABLE Course ( course_name varchar(255) primary KEY, tile varchar(255), descr varchar(255), cred int, hours int, course_tutor varchar(255)


insert into Course values ('chemistry', 'physical chemistry', 'physics + chemistry', 4, 16, 1323425), ('biology', 'ecology', 'study of ecosystems', 4, 16, 1323455), ('philosophy', 'intro to western philosophy', 'a class mostly about plato', 3, 12, 1324325), ('mathematics', 'precalculus', 'all the trig you forgot in highschool + limits', 4, 16, 1323425), ('computer science', 'mobile programming', 'intro to android studio or Xcode', 4, 16, 1323425);

select * from Course;

update Course set hours = 20 where cred = 4;

select * from Course where cred = 4 ;

Create TABLE Student ( emplid INT primary KEY, first_name varchar(255), last_name varchar(255),

address varchar(255),
phone varchar(255),
email varchar(255),
tutor_id varchar(255)


insert into Student values (12424235, 'john', 'doe', '343 maple street', '234-432-4326', 'flewgnfrgmail.com', 242534252), (12352345, 'jonathan', 'hale', '353 edge street', '234-444-4326', 'flr23rfrgmail.com', 235252343), (13252, 'jenny', 'ramos', '343 liberty street', '234-432-4632', 'dwelkfnfwlgmail.com', 2435253552), (1345323, 'jack', 'wells', '353 independence street', '234-432-2575', 'ewlfkjgmail.com', 346534252), (12235252, 'jimmy', 'cash', '343 oak street', '123-432-4326', 'fewefwwnfrgmail.com', 22252324252);

Select * from Student;

Select * from Student where first_name = 'jenny';

Create TABLE Book ( bookid varchar(255) primary KEY, title varchar(255), emplid varchar(255)


insert into Book values (1342, 'war and peace', 3643353), (135553, '1984', 33523342), (135322, 'of mice and men', 3643353), (23523, 'bible', 352353), (2423525, 'macbeth',2333333);

select * from Book;

select * from Book where title = 'macbeth';

Create TABLE Book_Authors ( bookid varchar(255) primary KEY,

author varchar(255)


insert into Book_Authors values (254324, 'George orwell'), (2434, 'Leo tolstoy'), (252323, 'james Joyce'), (235343, 'Ray bradbury'), (353235, 'Cormac Mcarthy');

select * from Book_Authors;

select * from Book_Authors where author = 'james Joyce';

Create TABLE Visit ( St_id varchar(255) primary KEY, course varchar(255), descr varchar(255), t_in int, t_out int, dov varchar(255), R_visit varchar(255)


insert into Visit values (3242352, 'precalculus', 'math prior to calculus', 2,4,'12-30-22','get someone to teach me everything b4 test'), (3323426, 'intro to psychology', 'Freud and other psychologists', 1,3,'12-30-18','midterm review'), (338572, 'physics', 'classical mechanics', 1,4,'4-30-22','help for homework'), (3235232, 'sociology', 'social concepts', 3,6,'12-30-17','project review'), (335555552, 'Creative writing', 'writing techniques', 4,5,'12-30-19','essay review');

select * from Visit;

select * from Visit where course = 'physics';

select * from Visit where t_out - t_in > 2;

Create TABLE laptop ( serial_number int primary KEY, L_name varchar(255), manufacturer varchar(255), Lease_emplid varchar(255) );

insert into laptop values (2442443, 'mary','dell',24444232), (245323, 'mark','lenovo',24352342), (2344647, 'mike','toshiba',2435235223), (235232423, 'melissa','apple',24434552), (24353223, 'ted','acer',2446346);

Select * from laptop;

Select * from laptop where manufacturer = 'dell';

update laptop set L_name = 'tod' where L_name = 'ted';

update laptop set manufacturer = 'sony' where L_name = 'mark';

Select * from Employee CROSS JOIN Student;