
Documentation for technologies used:

  1. Git https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/using-github/github-flow#introduction
  2. Create React App https://create-react-app.dev
  3. D3 https://d3js.org/getting-started
  4. D3 In depth: https://www.d3indepth.com/introduction/


  1. Clone this repository (in vs code terminal, git clone https://github.com/mledan/d3-sample-charts/
  2. create a new branch git checkout -b "your-branch-name" https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/using-github/github-flow#create-a-branch
  3. Set up a react app with Create React App command. npx create-react-app your-name-for-the-app
  4. add d3 to the starter project npm install d3
  5. add reference to the data file (use single-expiration-data.json)
  6. Generate a standard scatter plot (lines optional) of single option chain expiration
  7. push your changes back up to this repository git commit -am "message" then git push
  8. create a Pull Request and add me as reviewer https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/using-github/github-flow#create-a-pull-request

X-axis: Strikes Y-Axis: Last Price Datasets: Puts, Calls

Future Considerations: be able to load multiple expiration datasets. be able to load the same paramters data but with multiple collection times. (when the snapshot was taken)
