
CLI and WEB application for controlling the 'Smart Videohub' SDI router from Blackmagic Design.

How to use (without docker)

Get the latest stable rust version

$ rustup default stable
$ rustup update

(Optional) Install rust tools if you are using the web-server

$ rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
$ cargo install trunk wasm-bindgen-cli

Build the workspace

$ cargo build

Build the frontend (if using the web-server)

$ trunk build web-server/frontend/index.html

Run the CLI

$ cargo run -p videohub-cli -- -h

Run the web-server

cargo run -p videohub-server

How to use with docker (web-server only)

Build the base docker image

$ docker-compose build base

Start the service for router

$ docker-compose up web-router