
Angular.JS App of the MensaWatcher

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Angular.JS App of the Android MensaWatcher Application. Click to see the app directly.

This Application is used for educational purpose and should show some best practices when working with Angular.JS, Grunt, yeoman.

Howto Build


You can install yeoman via npm:

npm install yeoman -g

Run it locally

git clone https://github.com/mlegenhausen/angular-mensawatcher.git
cd angular-mensawatcher
yeoman server

yeoman will automatically run a local webserver and opens a browser window with the angular-mensawatcher app in it.

All changes made locally to the code will result in a automatic reload of the browser window.

Deploy it

If want to run your own instance of the angular-mensawatcher app, you can build your own version via:

yeoman build

A deployable version will be created in the dist directory. Copy it to any server that can serve static files. There are now special server environments needed.

Used libraries


  • Upgrade yeoman to 1.0
  • Write more unit tests
  • Better documentation
  • Make a Chrome App out of it
  • Add response design (Bootstrap 3.0)